by Jeff Cornell
Mac Miller was a recent guest on Larry Wilmore’s The Nightly Show on Comedy Central. The Pittsburgh MC joined the political conversation, weighing in on the hop topic issue of Donald Trump.
Miller, who was born Malcolm James McCormick, opened up about his Twitter beef with Trump. He explained after he released his song named after the famous mogul, someone asked him in an interview if he likes Trump. Miller said, “No he’s a “d— head.” Mac said he woke the next day to 25 angry tweets from the presidential hopeful.
Related: Stream Mac Miller’s GO:OD AM album
The panel also discusses how Donald Trump uses insults as a political weapon. “I think it’s great,” Miller smiled. “He’s like a struggling rapper on Twitter, it’s like, ‘Let me just make fun of everybody, and then retweet all the nice things people say.'”
Miller concluded that Trump’s campaign’s success is frightening, “I think it’s less a statement about Trump and more scary about America that this is kinda working.”
Mac Miller will release his new album GO:OD AM on Friday (Sept. 18).